Dental Whitening

Cosmetic Dental Whitening is a professional in salon service that removes years of staining in one simple treatment.

For those who are looking to maintain a youthful appearance, a healthy white smile is an important anti-aging cosmetic procedure.

The Machine – Beyond II Whitening Accelerator

In addition to the strength and wavelength of the light, it is also important to use a whitening system that minimizes client exposure to heat and UV light. The Beyond II Whitening Accelerator has 10 high intensity blue LED lights delivering a tailored beam of light between 480-520 nanometers. This innovation assists in providing superior whitening results in a short treatment time.

Before & After (Click to enlarge)
Dental Whitening Overview

Tooth whitening is the process of breaking apart chemical bonds in these organic and inorganic stain-causing compounds through the application of a peroxide-based whitening gel to the teeth.

Crowns, Caps and Other Restorations

If restorations such as crowns/caps are planned it is advisable to whiten teeth first, and then match the new restorations to the whitened teeth. This is particularly important for the anterior (front) seen part of your client’s mouth. To get the best colour match, we suggest you plan to wait one week after bleaching before starting these restorative procedures. This allows time for the whitened colour to normalise. If crowns already exist, teeth whitening will only clean the surface, it will NOT whiten the crown. Therefore, if the crown was matched to stained teeth it will be a darker colour than recently whitened teeth.

Touch-Up Treatment

To maintain optimum results, it is good practise to schedule a "touch-up" treatment within 3-months of an initial whitening; then once every 6-months. This is a single 15-20-minute cycle touch-up procedure at a special price to former clients. It is best to book a 3-month touch-up treatment at the completion of the initial whitening. If left longer than 12-months, stains have had time to migrate deeper into the tooth, then it will require 2-3 treatment cycles to restore whiteness.

Post Whitening

Following all whitening treatments with a peroxide-based whitening gel, the tooth enamel can be more porous due to dehydration as a result of the hydrogen peroxide breaking down and drawing moisture away as it targets the long chromophore molecules that constitute stains. Therefore, teeth are more susceptible to re-staining in the 24 hours following the treatment.

The White Diet - For 24 hours after the treatment:

  • Do not eat or drink dark, staining substances such as: coffee, tea, red wine, soy sauce, and cola.
  • Do not eat staining foods such as: beetroot, carrots, blueberries and the like; try to stick to a “white” diet such as Fish, Chicken, Potatoes, Cauliflower
  • Do not smoke cigarettes or use any tobacco-containing products.
  • Do not use coloured toothpaste
Risks & Side Effects

Tooth Sensitivity – During the first 24 hours after the treatment, some susceptible clients can experience some tooth sensitivity. While uncommon with modern cosmetic strength (6%HP – 12%HP) systems, tooth sensitivity is a frequent side effect of peroxide-based tooth whitening using bleach strengths usually 16% HP or higher. It is usually mild, but it can be worse in susceptible individuals.

Gum Whitening and Irritation – In rare cases, whitening gel may come in contact with the gum tissue during the treatment and may cause whitening of gums or gum line, usually the lower gumline. This can cause a mild post-treatment irritation when brushing teeth. This is transitory, usually lasting no more than 4-8 hours. Such whitening on the gum line is usually temporary and will subside almost immediately, with colour change in the gum tissue reversing within 30 minutes.

A Guide to Teeth Staining & Causes

Coffee and Tea: It stains teeth destroying your naturally white smile. The heat from very hot drinks can also cause small fractures in your tooth's surfaces. Try drinking cooler coffee, using a straw, use a tooth whitening pen or brush your teeth immediately after drinking coffee or tea.

Smoking will cause a build-up on teeth that can cause a yellow to orange colour staining. These stains can take longer to lighten Sugar Drinks: Sugar Drinks can be your teeth's worse enemy. The acid in ‘sugar-based’ drinks can "eat" your tooth's enamel to cause cavities. If you must drink ‘sugar-based’ drinks, try sugar free or use a straw. A straw allows less sugary, tooth staining liquids to reach your front teeth.